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This page is dedicated to a most peculiar relationship between a Catalan and a Dutch family. The whole thing started in the early seventies with a Dutch boy and a Catalan girl. Their holiday love affair evolved to a friendship of decades between the familia Roig and the Noyons family. If you want to know more about their past, present and future, find out from the menu.

At the end of each Roions meeting, we stand together hand in hand and sing the well known song of goodbye. It is a shame that, by now, only few people know the exact words. Thanks to Mayte we can do something about it.

Text to learn to heart for the next meeting

Es l'hora dels adéus
i ens hem de dir: adéu-siau.
Germans, dem-nos les mans.
seyal d'amor, senyal de pau.

El nostre comiat diu:
A reveure si a Déu plau
i ens estrenyem ben fort
mentre diem: Adéu-siau.

No és un adéu per sempre,
és sols adéu per un instant,
el cercle refarem
i fins potser sèrà més gran.

La llei que ens agermana ens fa
més forts i ens fa més grans.
Si ens fa més bons minyons
també ens fa ser més cristians.

The input for this page is provided by all of the members. Most scans are made by Núria. The data is collected and published on the Web by Ed (ednoyons @ xs4all dot nl).

© Ed noyons